Offroad Wheelbase
The perfect wheelbase for offroading and adventure travel is a debate that's been going on since the first locking hub. A smaller wheelbase can be the difference between clearing an obstacle or getting hung up, but don't discredit larger wheelbase vehicles. Learn the benefits of small and large wheelbase vehicles and why there's room for both on the trails.
In this article we will cover:
Small Wheelbase Vehicles
A small wheelbase vehicle certainly has an advantage when offroading for a few reasons. Break over angle, approach and departure angle are the key factors when debating the best wheelbase. These three factors are the combination to tackling obstacles and maneuverability in a tight trail. With a smaller vehicle like a 2 door jeep or Suzuki Samurai shine, but why is that?
Break Over Angle
Break Over is the angle from the bottom of either your front or rear tire to where the opposite tire meets the lowest point on your vehicle. This angle is very important because with a smaller break over angle your vehicle will contact the ground or obstacles sooner causing the vehicle to become high centered, damage the body and damage vital drivetrain components like driveshafts, transfer case and exhaust. Small wheelsbase vehicles will have a larger break over angle because of their size. The larger the wheel base the smaller the break over angle.
Approach & Departure Angle
Approach angle is the maximum angle a vehicle can approach an obstacle without the front of the vehicle dragging. The same goes for departure angle, the maximum angle a vehicle can descend without scrapping the bumper. The larger the angle the more ground clearance a vehicle has. This angle is important because the lower the approach angle the sooner drivetrain components such as oil pan, axles, differentials and gas tank will contact the ground or obstacles
A lager break over, approach and departure angle can all be increased with a suspension lift and larger diameter tires.
Large Wheelbase Vehicles
Offroading with a larger wheelbase is possible and many people do. A larger wheelbase vehicle like a pickup truck, 4 door wrangler, gladiator or blazer make for great offroad vehicles. Because the weight, length and track width of the vehicle is spread further apart, the likely hood of a roll over while you’re offroading is slimmer.
But with the larger wheelbase the brake over angle will be smaller, which can cause the vehicle to get hung up on obstacles or high centered. Same as small wheelbase vehicles the brake over, approach and departure angle can all increase with a suspension lift and larger diameter tires.
The second draw back would be the larger turning radius. The larger the wheelbase the larger turning radius a vehicle has. When on a trail with tight turns, the larger wheelbase vehicle will have a tougher time making the turns, usually requiring the vehicle to preform a K-style turn or multiple attempts to make the turn.
Small VS. Large Wheel Base
So which wheelbase is the best for offroading? Well, the answer depends on what type of adventure you are after. If your day consists of tight technical rock crawling a small wheel base will be the better pick. A tight wheel base and large approach, departure and break over angle will shine in the rock gardens. But limited interior space for occupants and recovery gear will need to be well thought out.
But if camping, traveling dirt roads, exploring national parks like arches or Moab is your style of adventure, a truck will be the best fit. Extra interior space for occupants and the benefit of a truck bed opens the door for storage and camping solutions. The Large wheelbase vehicle will also have a larger towing capacity, so if you plan on traveling with dirt bikes, side-by-sides, or a camping trailer a truck will shine compared to a compact small wheelbase vehicle.
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What style offroading do you do? Are you looking to get into the tight technical rock garden or does a cross country trip sound more exciting? Whichever you choose our pros can help outfit your vehicle today. Contact us or visit us online today.